Why the control solution meter reading is fall out the range printed on the strip vial label?

Why is the control solution meter reading fall out the range printed on the strip vial label?

  1. You may be using a different control solution. Use ForaCare control solution only.
  2. Control solution may have expired. Discard 90 days after opening.
  3. Control solution should be at room temperature (68~77℉)
  4. You should follow step 2 to perform this test as shown in the owner’s manual.
  5. Gently shake the control solution, open it and place the vial cap on a flat surface. Discard the first drop and place the second drop on top of the vial cap and perform the test by touching the drop with the end of the strip at an angle.
  6. The test strip may be corrupt; repeat the test with a new test strip.

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